Home » Scientists have named the qualities of people who cope more easily with difficulties


Scientists have named the qualities of people who cope more easily with difficulties

Experts analyzed 250 past studies and summarized their results. As it turned out, the greatest resilience was demonstrated by people who have such qualities as responsibility, politeness, emotional stability and openness.

Extroverts, who are characterized by activity and sociability, have more friends and acquaintances, thanks to which they can more easily cope with stressful conditions.

Emotional stability implies the ability to deal with negative emotions and stress with minimal health consequences. Responsible people prefer to plan their actions and avoid unpleasant situations, which helps to reduce stress.

Open-minded individuals tend to be inquisitive, eager for new experiences, able to find pluses even in unpleasant situations. Politeness helps to establish and maintain social contacts, thus reducing stress from communication and creating strong trusting relationships.

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